Tuesday 22 September 2015


i didn't realized how many days had passed since the very last time we met. but honestly, i miss everything. and how we used to talk to each other. until one day, a fight drift us apart. but u eventually come back. and thats how we are still talking until now. but the memories are never forgotten. i miss the memories. every single of it. and i dont know how did u bare living with them keep on hunting you. and how u shed your tears when the feelings strikes you really hard. however, i wish that what we have now will lasts forever. we keep those memories in photograph. and i will not stop on checking it out over and over again. at least, ill fall asleep with the memory of you.


i should've let you know that i do appreciate you. somehow your presence really light up my whole world. you are loved. and u should feel good about yourself too. dont let your sadness brings you down. latch your heart shut. lock it tightly. save the key for a girl who truly deserves it. you're not worth getting your heart ripped open and being let bleeding every single time u tried. i knew how much you broke. and seeing those brokenhearted words came out of your mouth hurts. the boy who are used to be someone really cheerful is being torn apart because of a girl who dont deserve his love. there are pieces in you that are burned, bruised and bend. but dont worry, someone will eventually come to take them up and fix everything that is ruined. its okay to cry, but dont let yourself fall, being the victim of sick again. let the happiness that u have left light u up. dont stop loving, it may hurt you now, but its not going to hunt you forever. and you dont deserve to be destroyed. sincerely, temporarily your favorite hello and hardest goodbye.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

other side of the screen

The fate had it destined for us to meet, we lived through pictures and screens day by day not knowing how we are actually in real life,the way you smile that i adore most even through facetime.  The way you giggle at our stupid decisions on every problems, the way we'd cover our faces when we're shy. And every single time we denied that. Yes we made stupid decisions and we ended things badly over something we had no control over. Im terrified of losing everything i love. Im sorry sometimes i needed time to actually have faith in us, but i swear, i love you more than i love myself, and you're the only thing that i love most about myself, to have you in my life. I know its hard not being able to see each other in person, but im doing my best to see you in the future. I love you.